

PHP (Laravel) & JavaScript (Vue) Developer

Installing Linux distro's on every laptop I could get my hands on turned my life as classical pianist / composer to one getting paid for coding.

  • Age: 37
  • City: Den Helder
  • Country: the Netherlands

My unusual childhood lead to a Asperger syndrome diagnosis where the hyper-focus was on the creation of classical music. After meeting my wife in California, USA, and settling down in the Netherlands a stable income became the main motivation of my career switch into IT. What began with an excessive interest in Linux distributions, handling it's CLI grew into writing Java and eventually my career in web development.


Classical Music


Linux Distro's






Laravel News

Design Models Interactively With Laravel Schematics.


Get to know our Backend Developer Maarten Tolhuijs.



2005 - 2009

Hogeschool Inholland, Alkmaar, NH

After a period of composing music and studying the piano at Mrs. Nottrot in Huisduinen, Den Helder, I studied counterpoint at the conservatory of Alkmaar guided by Herman van Weydom Claterbos. Counterpoint is all about the horizontal and vertical movement in music: chord schemes and their separate lines of melodies.


2014 - 2016

At https://teamtreehouse.com

Treehouse has played the most important role in my career switch. In the early days the content was scarce compared to what is offered there now but it thought me all I needed to know programming Android apps in Java making writing code a second nature.

Professional Experience

Tech lead

2021 - Present

Leads.io, Hoorn, NH

  • After 3 years of growing into my role and Leads.io, therefore my team, growing simultaneously I got assigned to leading 2 teams on 2 separate projects.
  • Being present at the foundation of many of the projects and the collaboration with the team made this possible.
  • Our team tripled in size from the moment I joined Leads.io and the moment I got this position.

Back-end developer

2018 - 2021

Leads.io, Hoorn, NH

  • Leads.io uses a couple of in-house developed systems to manage their campaigns, finances, lead generation and a portal giving insights for their clients.
  • At Leads.io I've mainly been working on the finance system, client portal and building a central API for their systems' communication.
  • Generating leads all over the world Leads.io is on it's way becoming the #1 international lead agency.

Full-stack developer

2016 - 2017

Betty Blocks, Alkmaar, NH

  • Betty blocks provides a drag and drop way of creating web applications.
  • My time at Betty Blocks involved a switch from Ruby to Elixir (Phoenix). OOP to FP.

Full-stack developer

2016 - 2016

Code24, Alkmaar, NH

  • At Code24 I helped creating new features for their mConsole; a medical web application.
  • mConsole is a very big monolith written in Zend and ExtJS (Sencha).

Full-stack developer

2015 - 2016

Quickwins (Truman Scout), Heerhugowaard, NH

  • Quickwins made client satisfactory measurement apps written in Cordova for iPad stands located all over the country.
  • At Quickwins I made the transition from Java (Android) to PHP and Javascript focussing mainly on the Laravel framework and Apache Cordova Javascript apps.


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